The PJ (poor joke) above might no longer remain a PJ if banana peel is replaced by a typical problematic situation one encounters in daily routine. The question remains unanswered then: Why do some people find it difficult to act beyond cure? They do think 'Prevention is The Best Cure' though! I was no different from them! But now my journey is gathering speed, hopefully in the direction that the blog is supposed to drive towards. Checkout my other blogs and work at

Thursday, 31 July 2014

Invisible Tension

"You have to pay penalty: Rupees Two Thousand.

Why Ma'am?

Because you didn't 'declare' that you had held a passport as a child.

Madam it's inadvertent. During last visit the other 'window' advised to make fresh application under 'reissue' category instead of 'renewal'.

Then go to that window", shouted the 'cashier' (window).

"Fine. I don't have cash right now. Do you have facility to pay on-line?

Don't waste my time...". The lady reacted with an angry sermon. She kept me waiting endlessly. At the closing hours she put some remarks on the application asking to come back on Monday.

Questions that remained unanswered were:

Has she put some adverse remarks on the application?
Are they going to accept the penalty in cash on Monday?
If they do, then what are the next steps?
How many days it'll take to get the passport?
If they don't, then what? And so on.

My son returned with these thoughts that kept bothering him until Monday.

In many situations, one gets preoccupied with such worrying thoughts primarily because of lack of visibility of "what next?"

Someone borrows money but doesn't observe commitment to repay. Nor does he bother to give visibility to when he'll repay. A case of shattering trust.

School authorities don't give visibility for admission process and deadlines and so on.

A standard advice under such circumstances is not to get preoccupied with worrying thoughts. But it's easier said than done.

Isn't there some responsibility (on us as suppliers) to our customers?

Can't we bring in visibility to our role in meeting expectations of the customer and a timeline to do so?

Or is it a strategy by design to give the customers sleepless nights by forcing her to guess "what next?"

If 'Yes', then for a criminal it might be fine. But otherwise it's a criminal behavior.

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Is Your Job Boring

Job gets boring if a job is a 'job'.
Job gets boring when a job gets chosen primarily for the money it pays.

When job gets boring, the output 'bores' customer. And then the employer gets axing on you. 

Very often, people don't love their job if chosen jobs are not their passions.
Mentally as well as physically they get tired faster than they think if they don't love their job... Usually so before even they begin it.

End of a typical tiring day however, most don't mind playing a game of their choice tirelessly.
While playing people don't get tired easily. Usually so because play is a generic passion.
In fact they get happy because people love whatever they do passionately.

Double whammy! 
Not-paid play... not boring!!
Well-paid 'good' job.... but boring!!! 

What do do?

Don't lose heart yet.
Don't allow emotions to overrule you.

Do continue the job as usual during week days.

Ask probing questions in order to unearth your passion.
Finance it by the earnings from the job.
Nurture the passion on week-ends.

Look for skills common to both the job as well as the passion.
Try to compliment job to passion and passion to job.
Probability of the passion becoming passionate-job one day enhances.
'Job' might become a play and career thereafter.

Play gets played passionately.
Passionate play brings in happiness holistically.
When happy, the resultant output gets more productive and value-adding.

Afterall play is a play.
Everyone loves it without bothering about Hours.
And job is a job.
Everyone hates job; watching Minutes-after-Minutes for Hours together and Hours-after-Hours for Years together.

Read a few relevant blogposts hereunder:

IQ-EQ-or-SQ: What-is-more-important?
Do you know a Best-Career-Plan
Take your career in fast lane!
Succession-Plans In Fast Lane! 
In-a-problem? No-problem! Dwell-a-while!
Do you exercise your choice meaningfully
Do You Ask Right Questions
Overworked? Tension? CPU of the mind hung-up?
No Time? Micro-Meditate! 
Talk In Order To Listen! 
Eternally Happy!

Friday, 18 July 2014

Water-Hour: What'an-Hour

What-An-Hour it was!

On our monthly-music-meet day, suddenly power went off! 

Although the electricity company had declared timetable for load shedding, usually their poor work practices don't allow them to stick to it. In absence of power to music system our lunch had to be preponed.

I picked up my snack plate that was still around me, rinsed it a bit and reused it for lunch. I used the leftover water from my drinking glass. 

My friend exclaimed at my 'funny' behavior. I said I wash my plate regularly at home as well as wherever else possible. Whenever I wash hands, I pick up at least one utensil to wash. Two-birds-in-One: Hands and the utensil washed using same amount of water that anyway I would've used to wash hands!

While writing this post, I remembered the so-called 'countdown to EARTH HOUR (23rd March at 20.30 hrs)'. Just before it had 'begun', the same friend had reminded me to participate in it. Why not observe such HOURS every MINUTE, I had exclaimed. That I had just returned from a around where I'd put off a couple of fans including one in the toilet. It was left ON by the previous user. 

While I do appreciate importance of such HOURS, the intention can be best evidenced by making it a habit taking it beyond the HOUR.

Hats off to those who instead of waiting until such '20.30 HOUR' head right away to 'Switch-off' an appliance left 'ON' inadvertently though. 

Power generation needs human activity, water and other resources. Salutation is because such people are able to see direct or indirect link of almost every wasted human activity to that of waste of water.

Hats off to those who commit to be conscious to a cause in present tense. Hats off because they don't allow thoughts to constipate. Because they go beyond their 'knowledge' of 'zero-wastage'. They make others learn through their demonstration of 'an-action-each-moment-a-day'.

One must experience the satisfaction one derives and the respect one earns by by committing to 'Save Even-A-Little, At-Each-Opportunity, Each-day, Each-Minute...' rather than once a year on a "Happy........ Day!" 

Read a few relevant blogposts hereunder:

Rise-n-Fall in the Rain-Fall 
Take Habits For A Ride 
Do you exercise your choice meaningfully
Not-Soon, Says Monsoon
Rise-n-Fall in the Rain-Fall   

Monday, 7 July 2014

Be Bug-Be Or Big-Be ?

Overcome The Tyranny Of Small Minds 

While reading the above spiritual article, it occurred to me that there could be four kinds of people in the corresponding context.

1/ Big people with small mind: Bugger-Be !
2/ Big people with big mind: Bigger-Be !
3/ Small people with small mind: Bug-Be !
4/ Small people with big mind: Big-Be !

First category of people (read the corresponding blogpost on the link) is the one that is powerful enough but doesn't bother about other's presence. Bugger-Be doesn't make contribution to other's rightful needs nor to the societal ones.

Last category of people (the so-called small people with big mindBig-Be !) is the one that is not powerful at all. But it empowers itself in order to bother about other's presence. It also makes diffrence to the small world around them by contributing to other's rightful needs. Through their value adding actions, it makes others think and act!

It's actually the Big-people (the first and the third category) that can make significant diffrence to others and to the socio-economic needs.

Wheel-of-Worldly activity, however, is somehow getting managed because of presence of the last category of ('small') people. The wheel might run faster (and in a better fashion) if the quadrant of the first category of people reduces and the size of second category of people (Bigger-Be With Big-Mind) increases.

Easiest way for the Bugger-Be to turn into a Bigger-Be in this context is to copy actions of the last category: That of the Big-Be !

Big-people do have power to influence bigger circles of people at a bigger scale!!

Also read a few relevant blogposts hereunder:

Raam or Krishna-Shyam: Tell me Hey Raam!
Some Moron ! Some Great !!!
WOW Work-Culture: By Telling or Selling
Suggestions On-Sale, None-To-Buy
Ridiculous Poison-culture versus Maverick Kaizen-culture
Taken-For-Granted ? You Deserve It !!
IQ-EQ-or-SQ: What-is-more-important?

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Andon For Visibility Before 'Andolan'

It was a huge protest (Andolan!) after the infamous Delhi gang-rape in a moving bus and another one in Mumbai. As a reactive fallout, one of the actions was strict adherence to the rule: Windows of all vehicles should be transparent.

This action is to bring out visibility, failure of which might result into crises such as above. Focus of this blogpost is to bring out it's importance generically.

Imagine there's no timetable, be it of a train or an exam or of a training classroom. And one is forced to keep guessing time of arrival/departure of a train or keep shuttling around notice boards that are usually difficult to locate/access if at all they exist at corresponding venues. 

Imagine seat numbers not marked inside an outstation train compartment or a theater.

Imagine a speed-breaker is not painted and you bump into it at 40 kilometres per hour.

Above situations may be rare in some cases. Visual systems in above cases in particular might have got more or less matured due to fear of resultant chaos. You are lucky if bogie of a train arrives at a designated location-mark on the platform. Now-a-days (inside a local train as well) they announce arrival of stations. You are lucky if 'sometimes it functions'.

In organised workplaces such Visual Systems are known as Andon: A visual communication management innovation perfected by Toyota. An example closer to you might be a display of token number in a bank alongwith an announcement and hooter sound to attract attention.

But why aren't versions on similar lines practised in other professions and places? There's a tremendous scope for bringing out visibility in order to make work predictable, prevention oriented and simpler in many other situations. The productivity benefits to customers thereby outweigh the costs of doing so in geometric progression.

A medical professional, for instance, might be able to impress upon a patient about speedy recovery if he hands over a Do-Don't instruction to be adhered to (featuring a sketch on how they work).

An electrician could display some sketches of the Do-Don'ts in case of a trouble that he shoots at. An accident may get preempted or a breakdown may get attended to faster with such Do-Don't lessons.

A computer mechanic could display, say, a sketch indicating where frequently possible loose connections can be mended autonomously.

A 'customer service' window could have 'steps' displayed with necessary sketches in case of actions to be taken during 'what-if' situations. Their office inside has signboards, labels on racks, files, etc. instead of a mess. Corresponding delays may get eliminated thereby.

An organisation, for instance, could make it's career-plan-ladder self-explanatorily 'visual'. Attrition may get reduced as a result.

Absence of practices such as above are examples of poor visibility prevalent in typically complacent organisations.

Sometimes lack of visibility is inadvertent. Sometimes it's intentional in order to protect vested interests.

Poor visibility breeds abnormalities such as defects, delays, corruption,etc. Ultimately it leads to less optimised performance as well as spoiled relationships.

That's why excellent workplaces promote visibility in innovative ways by using graphs, pictures, radiant colors, blinking lights, hooters, etc. as done in Seiton practice of Five-S's. 

They know that Andon For Visibility is better than resultant Andolan due to lack of it. They know that it's as dangerous as driving on a heavily raining day with a very very poor visibility as low as a couple of meters.

Also read a few relevant blogposts hereunder: Please do consider leaving a comment or sharing this post via social media.

That's How Morons Work
WOW Work-Culture: By Telling or Selling
Take Habits For A Ride
Make It Simpler, Rest Will Follow
How To Make A Difference
A Ride To Hell
Make checklists your friends 
Drove To Hell ... Almost !
Treat Root-causes, Not Symptoms !
Nauseous Communication Gaps
Do You Cleanup-After-Crisis
Raam or Krishna-Shyam: Tell me Hey Raam!
Will It Work Here
Some Moron ! Some Great !!!
That's How Morons Work
Suggestions On-Sale, None-To-Buy
Technology in-place, security dis-placed
Succession-Plans In Fast Lane! 
Prevention: The Best Cure! ... Is it really so?
How Many Times Do You Wash Hands
What You See Isn't What's Made
Am I 'Short-sighted' or 'Long-sighted'? 
Beware Of Political-Presentations
Do You Cleanup-After-Crisis
Hoarders Of Filthy Hoardings
Are You Good If Others Are Bad

Forgive Or Don't?

Forgiveness is the Economics of Heart..
It Saves the Expense of Anger
The Cost of Hatred
The Wastage of Peaceful Moments &
Gives You Profits on Smiles..

The above whatsapp that I received gives the message to: Forgive And Forget!

Lovely tangible and intangible cost-benefit analysis it offers.

But it's difficult for me to forgive someone slapping me, arriving from the 'blue', apparently for no reason. One shouldn't tolerate itunless of course it's sensed as a God-sent one.

In the latter case my action is to Forgive. In case of the former it is to: Forgive But Don't Forget. Because history 'says' if you do (forget) and stay indifferent, more 'slaps' come back in search of you for 'no reason'.

Decades ago, doors of Sydenham commerce college got 'banged' on me. When some close some do open. Some for the better. Those of Ruparel college opened with many more thereafter. 
The 'slap' proved to be God-sent!

In engineering college, someone ridiculed my looks. I learnt to differenciate among Functional, Aesthetic and Functionally-Aesthetic look/s.
The 'slap' proved to be God-sent!

There were many more 'slaps' even in my professional life. Sometimes due to inadvertent mistakes. All of those made me stronger and wiser.
The 'slaps' proved to be God-sent!

Day-by-day, I've been trying to get WISER to know the difference!

P. S. You may take a tests of wisdom for the 'slaps' in case of situations in the blogposts listed in the end.

Also read a few relevant blogposts hereunder: Please do consider leaving a comment or sharing this post.

Tolerate Once, Twice, Thrice? 
WOW Work-Culture: By Telling or Selling 
Take Habits For A Ride 
How To Make A Difference 
Big-Be Or Bug-Be
Make checklists your friends  
Drove To Hell ... Almost ! 
Nauseous Communication Gaps 
Do You Cleanup-After-Crisis 
Raam or Krishna-Shyam: Tell me Hey Raam! Will It Work Here?  
Some Moron ! Some Great !!!  
That's How Morons Work
You seem Reasonable if you appear Un-reasonable 
Smart-Moron Who Breaks Your Glass  
Suggestions On-Sale, None-To-Buy 
Tolerate Once, Twice, Thrice? 
Ridiculous Poison-culture versus Maverick Kaizen-culture 
IQ-EQ-or-SQ: What-is-more-important?
Do you know a Best-Career-Plan 
Take your career in fast lane!
Succession-Plans In Fast Lane!  
In-a-problem? No-problem! Dwell-a-while!
Success-or-failure! What-do-you-like? 
Do you exercise your choice meaningfully 
Do You Ask Right Questions?  
Overworked? Tension? CPU of the mind hung-up
No Time? Micro-Meditate!  
Talk In Order To Listen!  
Eternally Happy
What You See Isn't What's Made 
Am I 'Short-sighted' or 'Long-sighted'?  
Deity is in the eyes of the beholder