The PJ (poor joke) above might no longer remain a PJ if banana peel is replaced by a typical problematic situation one encounters in daily routine. The question remains unanswered then: Why do some people find it difficult to act beyond cure? They do think 'Prevention is The Best Cure' though! I was no different from them! But now my journey is gathering speed, hopefully in the direction that the blog is supposed to drive towards. Checkout my other blogs and work at

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Take Habits For A Ride

Long time ago, while approaching a crossroad where red light was blinking, I slowed down the jeep that I was driving.

Just about when I was to cross the signal, suddenly a biker overtook me from left in a flash. He almost took a ninety degree turn to right, crossed me and sped away. By the time I could realise what was happening, he evaporated in thin air.

His dangerous adventure was just short of being fatal. His motor cycle narrowly escaped  bumper of my jeep. Perhaps the elephant-god saved him. It was the first day of Lord Ganesha's festival in Mumbai. So what the blind faith may prompt one to believe so.

He took himself for a ride 
Death almost came calling in stride
Why don't habits suicide

Couple of mistakes that he committed was he overtook from wrong side. At the crossroad looking at amber signal in particular he should've slowed down instead of zipping in. He should've stayed in the extreme right lane well beforehand with indication signal ON if he wanted to take right turn.

Perhaps for him those were "I've been doing this for years" kind of 'skills' rather than mistakes. So how does one tackle such 'skill-full' mistakes?

Mistake-proof methods (Poka-yoke) should be in place particularly in high-probability high-risk zones. Poka-yoke is an innovation by Shigeo Shingo at Toyota. Poka stands for a mistake. Yoke stands for proofing against it. It's a commonsense improvement (Kaizen) but with a structure. In order to prevent nail-biting habit, application of something on fingers that tastes bitter is an age-old Poka-yoke used by a typical grandma.

For instance, in accident prone areas there should be guided lane dividers to prevent sudden lane changing habits. Rumblers should be provided to force slowing down at crossroads. Speed measuring devices should be installed alongwith cameras to detect speedsters.

In spite of the above, some practices (Habits!) get ingrained in us so much that they become our second nature. If the habits are for good then it's fine. Otherwise even if you want them to die they don't! Instead they make sure that you do!

By using various grandma kind (Sama-Dama) methods one may try to change habits piece-by-piece. But a piece still remains until you lose your peace. Habits do die but they die hard way.

Habit is a H. A. B. I. T.
Even if you remove H in it, A BIT remains.
Remove A; and BIT still remains.
Remove B; but until you remove 'I' in it, IT still remains.

The only way to remove 'I' in it is to teach IT (the self) by a stick if everything else fails. If you don't, the habit-prone may 'poke' a 'yoke' in the Poka-yoke itself.

Here's a MaiKu© on the topic.

Back-n-forth Habits sway 
Unless they die hardway
Few mistake-proof by-the-way 

MaiKu© Is My-Haiku

Freely ideate it's poetic rhymes

Any objective topic it chimes

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