The PJ (poor joke) above might no longer remain a PJ if banana peel is replaced by a typical problematic situation one encounters in daily routine. The question remains unanswered then: Why do some people find it difficult to act beyond cure? They do think 'Prevention is The Best Cure' though! I was no different from them! But now my journey is gathering speed, hopefully in the direction that the blog is supposed to drive towards. Checkout my other blogs and work at

Friday, 27 June 2014

Simplicity Of Theory Of Relativity

My google map was not responding.
Public transport was not in sight.

How far is Hill road, I asked at the roadside stall. 
"15 minutes", the stall-owner replied.

Just to reconfirm I asked same question to a person parking car nearby. It's hardly 2 minutes: He replied.

I was a bit confused. 15 minutes or 2 minutes?

After a couple of minutes walk, I asked same question to a lady waiting to cross the road.
She replied: It's about 30 minutes.

More confusion: 30 minutes after 5 minutes walk?

I continued walking down.
After 10 minutes walk, I asked someone for a landmark for the place I had reached. I thought someone could pick me up from there in order to reach me to my destination.

The person couldn't tell me one. She kept looking at the cow instead I was standing next to. Luckily she didn't tell me the cow as the landmark. Otherwise I would've ended up looking at 'google-guy' (snail) instead of google map. (Cow is pronounced as Guy in vernacular.)

The point I am driving home is it's all relative!
Long ago Einstein brought the concept of relativity. 
Perhaps by car it was 2 minutes.
By walk it was 15 minutes.
And by the walking speed of the lady it was 30 minutes.
Probably the lady was right. She was pregnant.

The only thing wrong was I didn't confirm the mode of travel. Nor did they specify.
Actually I was wrong not to ask right question.

Also read a few relevant blogposts hereunder:  Please do consider leaving a comment or sharing this post.

Do You Ask Right Questions
Do you exercise your choice meaningfully
Make checklists your friends
Love is Care.. Care is Love
Take Habits For A Ride
Are You Good If Others Are Bad
Bust-wants, Boom-needs
Do You Celebrate Mean-or-Green
Ridiculous Poison-culture versus Maverick Kaizen-culture
I am afraid ! What do I do !!
Discrimination-is-Cremation of Law-&-Order
Success Or Failure: What Do You Like?
Fearful Death-Of-Birth !
Aesthetics Spills-Over Function, Want Spills-Over Need
Raam or Krishna-Shyam: Tell Me Hey Raam!

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Are You Good If Others Are Bad?

Last week just before conducting an audit for Continual Improvement Culture (CIC) in one of the companies in Western India, I asked the audience to self-assess and give a score for CIC at their workplace.

Few participants gave a score of 10%. Few others rated themselves on higher side with a score of 40% although they had just begun attempting the CIC initiative.

I proposed claps for those who rated themselves on lower side. Why? Because their score wasn't to underestimate themselves but it intended to show further scope for improvement.

A headline in Loksatta newspaper reminded me of this incidence. The news reported a minister (in a conference on Change) challenging Gujarat state touted as being ahead of Maharashtra.

How do you think progress of an individual or an entity be measured? What should be the measures of performance to decide who's ahead of whom?

Is it the result or the means to it or a combination of both? The means inter alia may include attitude, continuity and consistency of approach to help achieve the desired results.

If it was results alone then it's the Hare that would always get declared as winner. If it was the latter then it's the Tortoise that would always get declared as winner.

Actually it should be a combination of both. In addition it should include the rate of efforts applied while trying for enhanced rate of improvement. Outcome sometimes may be failures (to learn from) rather than expected improvements per-se though.

If you think this approach to measurement is right then the challenge reported in above headline seems confusing.

If the claim therein were to be right then:
1/ The rate of improvement of infrastructure in Maharashtra should have outpaced the rate of urbanization that of 50% as quoted by one of the economists during the same conference.
2/ The industry scions wouldn't have 'complained' of poor infrastructure and poor assistance by government as reported in the same conference.

Anyway, the point of contention is: isn't it in your own interest to compete with your ownself than with others. Its not necessary to show others down to show ownself up.

If at all one wishes to compare with others it should be with an intention to stretch own benchmarks. It should be to find out how far and how fast one needs to go in comparison and by what approach.

In short, it's good to think and take positive steps rather than otherwise.

It's good to aim at 'sky' as your template of destination. It's better than looking down upon other's garden to show your's to be better and bigger.

Also read a few relevant blogposts hereunder:

Make It Simpler, Rest Will Follow
How To Make A Difference 
Big-Be Or Bug-Be
Treat Root-causes, Not Symptoms !
Nauseous Communication Gaps
Do You Cleanup-After-Crisis
Raam or Krishna-Shyam: Tell me Hey Raam!
Will It Work Here
Some Moron ! Some Great !!!
That's How Morons Work
You seem Reasonable if you appear Un-reasonable
Smart-Moron Who Breaks Your Glass 
WOW Work-Culture: By Telling or Selling
Suggestions On-Sale, None-To-Buy
Ridiculous Poison-culture versus Maverick Kaizen-culture
Tolerate Once, Twice, Thrice?
That's how some business partnerships work
Taken-For-Granted ? You Deserve It !!
Technology in-place, security dis-placed
IQ-EQ-or-SQ: What-is-more-important?
Do you know a Best-Career-Plan
Customer or Custo-Mer
Experienced A Delightful Payment !
An Experience of Heart-and-Soul
Less With More And More Gets Sore
Should one care for value
ABCD of India Shining
Beware Of Political-Presentations
Do You Cleanup-After-Crisis
Hoarders Of Filthy Hoardings

Monday, 16 June 2014


"Almost all crime is due to the repressed desire for aesthetic expression." Evelyn Waugh English Writer. 

The concept in this blogpost was triggered by a picture that I saw painted on a wall of Rail Museum in Mysore.
It said: Way to Maharani (Queen) Saloon!

At its first sight, I was reminded of a term usually misspelled in India, Saloon for Salon: the term for a barber's shop.

I wondered what had the painting to do with the rail exhibits. In the wildest imagination, I could think of its links, if at all any, with the hairdressing of Queens of the dynasties in palaces of Mysore and around.

I found myself wrong after looking around for a while. I found the real Saloon. A part of the rail carriage was exhibited there. It was devoted to seated relaxation combined with a dining table: The Saloon!

Anyway, let me take an about-turn now. Let me expand on the thought that occurred to me.

Why do people go to a salon: a barber's shop?

Some go for their Functional Needs.
Some go for their Aesthetic Wants.
Some go for Functional-Aesthetics: This is the term, the concept that had instantaneously occurred to me then at the sight of the painting.

I 'googled' for the term Functional-Aesthetics and giggled that it didn't exist. I couldn't find one although during my limited search on internet.

Typically a haircut that's acceptable with reference to military norms is functional.

Actually long hair can be unhealthy as well as dangerous, both in military as well as in other contexts. In military setting in particular, additional reasons of their typical haircut could be to preempt accidents due to long hair, its maintenance, distractions or attractions due to them as the case may be in the warfield. These functions that it is expected to serve makes it a functional haircut.

A funny haircut acceptable only to a small group of trendy people as a fad could be termed as purely aesthetic one. It's generally acceptable as a style for its funny aesthetics more than for the function that it's expected to serve if at all.

On the same lines, a haircut typically acceptable to school norms could fall in the category of Functional-Aesthetics.

In short, 'needs' that stand the tests of an acceptable system's logically acceptable norms or standards or criteria could be termed as Functionally-Aesthetic.

'Wants or desires' that go beyond such logical norms or criteria could be termed as Aesthetic more than Functional, with reference to a given system. 

A style that adds substance to the function (that it is supposed to serve) without any extra cost to the offering nor to the ecology may also stand the test of being Functionally-Aesthetic: A shirt for instance bought for it's extra-large pockets or additional pockets unconventionally located on its sleeve, say, in order to eliminate carrying an extra hand bag. 

Paradoxically, a functionally-aesthtic offering to be on the right path of evolution should truly lead to multi-functionality in its usage with minimalist use of resources while at the same time simplistic-to-use, maintain & facilitate eco-friendly disposal as a part of its total lifecycle. 

Functionally-Aesthetic offering in general should 'sell' more in the longer run than purely Functional or purely Aesthetic one. Because it offers value; because it offers Total Quality to all it's stakeholders. On the contrary, rest of the offerings necessarily need marketing & thereafter overselling too. Or in its absence, the rest fails to exploit its full potential. 

A Lesson!

Nature and its every design itself is Functionally-Aesthetic both in its form-and-fit. That's why everything natural from food-to-fossil is pure, beautiful, value-adding and valuable. Hope human race strives to maintain it that way. Hope it draws a lesson or two to learn from (it) and invests its finite time in adding value to life rather than destroying it.

Only way to do so is by arresting unneeded human activities and unwise choice/s for want/s that create a materialistic world. Spoiled choices in particular take one away from being Functionally-Aesthetic: The choices that are far from being sustainable!

Here's a MaiKu© poem while on the subject:

On way to queen's saloon
Imagination took off in balloon
Finally landed Saloon in Salon

©MaiKu Is My-Haiku
Freely ideate it's poetic rhymes
Any objective topic it chimes

Also read a few relevant blogposts hereunder:

Aesthetics Spills-Over Function, Want Spills-Over Need (Part-1)
Aesthetics Spills-Over Function, Want Spills-Over Need (Part-2)
Do you exercise your choice meaningfully
What You See Isn't What's Made
You seem Reasonable if you appear Un-reasonable
Wish To Be Planet-Friendly?: Save! 
Suggestions On-Sale, None-To-Buy
WOW Work-Culture: By Telling or Selling
Eternally Happy: परमानंद