The PJ (poor joke) above might no longer remain a PJ if banana peel is replaced by a typical problematic situation one encounters in daily routine. The question remains unanswered then: Why do some people find it difficult to act beyond cure? They do think 'Prevention is The Best Cure' though! I was no different from them! But now my journey is gathering speed, hopefully in the direction that the blog is supposed to drive towards. Checkout my other blogs and work at

Thursday, 15 May 2014

When Safety Becomes Sorry

A mother standing in isle of the bus fell on her child holding her hand. Both got injured with their noses profusely bleeding. First-aid box inside the bus was nearly empty. Luckily bus had just taken exit from express-way so emergency aid was accessible.

Both, mother and child with their luggage, were standing in the isle in anticipation of arrival of their destination close by. It was an intercity Volvo with powerful air brakes.

The driver had applied emergency brakes. Reason was a couple of pedestrians walking on road suddenly taking a U-turn. They didn't notice the bus arriving.

Why didn't the driver blow horn in order to alert the pedestrians?

He did try but the horn didn't work. Condition of the horn in high-technology bus had got deteriorated. It was not restored to it's original condition. It was 'fixed' rather than maintaining or refurbishing it. The wires were pulled from steering wheel and left open loosely hanging. Driver did try to touch positive wire to the negative one hanging from top in order to blow the horn in vain. 

So there were three apparent causes of the accident.

One was J-walkers on road haphazardly moving.
Second one was dysfunctional horn that failed to work.
Third one was wrong habits of passengers anxiously standing in isle of the bus nearing it's destination.

Solution to each one of them is imbibing safe practices, safety discipline and improvement attitude. These are generic terms though. People-in-power must drill down to root-causes of symptomatic causes as above.

Root-cause may be lack of training or lack of adequate standards and practices. It may be lack of motivation to follow or enforce discipline to comply with desired standards if ones are established.

'Imbibing attitude' involves involvement of corresponding people: The decision makers if it's a workplace. The parents and teachers if it's at personal level.

Wrong behavior of people (including 'small-people', the children) is a manifested reflection of wrong behavior of their superior's.

It's primarily the people-in-power who can make the difference by behaving in a desired manner. Attitude of the 'watchers' then 'behaves' itself.

Here's a MaiKu© on the topic.

Tom crushed Harry
Root-causes weren't wary
Safety became Sorry

MaiKu© Is My-Haiku
Freely ideate it's poetic rhymes
Any objective topic it chimes

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