The PJ (poor joke) above might no longer remain a PJ if banana peel is replaced by a typical problematic situation one encounters in daily routine. The question remains unanswered then: Why do some people find it difficult to act beyond cure? They do think 'Prevention is The Best Cure' though! I was no different from them! But now my journey is gathering speed, hopefully in the direction that the blog is supposed to drive towards. Checkout my other blogs and work at

Thursday, 5 December 2019

Sir, water for you?

Water rationed at 200 liter per day per family!

That's what the above picture (that was making rounds on WhatsApp) means in Marathi language.

It shows that finally the shortage of water has taken its toll in some parts of India.

How much do we contribute to this menace?

A little consciousness on our own experiences should be able to answer this question.

I often stayed at this hotel in Koregaon Park Pune, for instance.

As a good practice, each table in the restaurant in this hotel has a glass bottle filled with water enriched with Basil (Tulsi) leaves. The Basil leaves are normally used as a herb in India.

First time when I stayed at this hotel, I was surprised that, in spite of the glass bottle being there on the table, the bearer would still fill the glass while I would go to refill my food from the buffet table.

Waste!!! ... if I didn't drink it in full! Normally, I drink water after an hour of finishing food as a yogic practice.

Hence, I usually maintain a practice of keeping my glass upside down to avoid having it inadvertently refilled. And yet, in the few times that I have forgotten, the bearer, as if engaged in a game of cat and mouse, has rushed to refill my glass in my absence.

I told the bearer so; as also put it in my feedback form while checking out.

This was not to complain but to make the management aware about their good practice of 'glass-bottles' on table but short of training their staff 'not to fill glass without asking'. Continual training is particularly important since the staff keeps changing with the inflow of fresher trainees.

Good that the manager noticed my feedback & made efforts to 'understand' it in real-time (Genjitsu). Many merely 'file' the feedback forms ignoring opportunity to capture essence of the 'voice of customer'.

The manager however shared his experience that some customers ridicule this practice as the 'misery' of the staff on as 'trivial' a thing like water!

Very few see a scope to not only be innovative in saving water** but also in communicating their so-called 'idiosyncrasy' to 'Save-Water'!

**Do you know that an average 200 ml cup of Latte actually needs over 200 litres of water to produce in terms of the water used to produce the Plastic cup with lid, the Milk used, the coffee powder itself, the Sugar used, etc.!

Read a few relevant blogposts hereunder:

Change is a hearty game!
Rise-n-Fall in the Rain-Fall 
Take Habits For A Ride 
Do you exercise your choice meaningfully
Not-Soon, Says Monsoon
Rise-n-Fall in the Rain-Fall   

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