Penny-Wise Pound-Wiser
Daily saving countless Water
Being an intelligent Miser
That's the Haiku poem I wrote at the sight of my dinner plate.
Actually each day I tried to be a miser and console myself that I'm an intelligent miser.
Actually each day I tried to be a miser and console myself that I'm an intelligent miser.

I reason it out of being a so-called self-appointed "intelligent" miser.
Why? Because I ask some "foolish" questions to every human activity that I see, rather, that "I probe" I should say.
But I don't have control over some.
So I be "funny" with myself, with what I've control over.
My dinner plate for instance.
I 'want' a fresh one. That's my desire.
That's my healthy habit.
But can my 'need' be served by something else?
I 'want' a fresh one. That's my desire.
That's my healthy habit.
But can my 'need' be served by something else?
Can I choose a soiled one that's available from the kitchen after being used for its intended purpose in the cooking process?
For instance, one in picture is the pot of balance quantity of rice and another one is that balance quantity of curd.
One plate and one bowl stays fresh!
Also you can see an old newspaper used below the plate so that the table doesn't get soiled.
Plate reused!
Water saved, waste eliminated!!
Economy for Ecology!!!
Economy for Ecology!!!
How many such activities and avenues possible in a day?
How much time can be saved that can be used for more value-adding work?
How much water can be saved each day?
Countless at times!!!
Penny-Wise Pound-Foolish it is to call the self so-called intelligent!
Can-changing-th oughts-change-a -nation
Do you exercise your choice meaningfully
Read a few relevant blogposts hereunder:
Rise-n-Fall in the Rain-Fall
Take Habits For A Ride Can-changing-th
Do you exercise your choice meaningfully
Poverty-to-Power of Poetry
Not-Soon, Says Monsoon
Rise-n-Fall in the Rain-Fall
Aesthetics Spills-Over Function, Want Spills-Over Need (Part-1)
What You See Isn't What's Made
You seem Reasonable if you appear Un-reasonable
Taken-For-Granted ? You Deserve It !!
Some Moron ! Some Great !!!
Taken-For-Granted ? You Deserve It !!