The PJ (poor joke) above might no longer remain a PJ if banana peel is replaced by a typical problematic situation one encounters in daily routine. The question remains unanswered then: Why do some people find it difficult to act beyond cure? They do think 'Prevention is The Best Cure' though! I was no different from them! But now my journey is gathering speed, hopefully in the direction that the blog is supposed to drive towards. Checkout my other blogs and work at

Thursday 27 February 2014

Dead-ends Pluck, Innovators Plant

The company had continued to make losses in succession for a couple of financial years. Top team was mulling over ways and means to communicate austerity measures for the coming year.

The company that was used to flaunting bashes and liberal appreciations in spite of losses was finding it difficult to communicate the U-turn it wished to take that too in the annual function.

Among many ways suggested during a brainstorming session one idea was to stop giving and taking bouquet.

Someone objected saying how could they carry out recognition of 'achievers' without bouquet.

The debate went on and finally President of the company agreed to an innovative alternative of giving a sapling in place of bouquet. Not that the idea was new but for the company it was: a paradigm shift.

The idea was if you love the planet 'don't despoil it'. Instead 'conserve it's beauty'. If you love flowers 'don't pluck then'. 'Plant one tree' instead.

It was thought to be an effective way to give message so that people transfer such positive attitude in more such behaviors in society, at home and in turn at work.

Not that the latter could happen overnight. But it's sure to succeed if corresponding leadership's efforts didn't fail.

Leaders such as the suggester and the facilitating president usually lead changes with tremendous faith and confidence in themselves. They don't overly bother about followers. Nor do they get influenced by critics. They 'make' changes happen while the conformists 'watch' and the critics 'wonder'.

May be funny for others but I fold my daily-used pullover bedsheet as in the left picture instead of an established practice as in middle picture. It just takes a couple of seconds to do so. Functionally it perfectly works for me. For a very rare aesthetic 'want' though I might do it as in the middle picture. But surely not as in the extreme right picture.

Do try such innovations faithfully. They will save a lot of time and conserve resources for you and others too daily. Be an innovator. Let others keep 'watching', 'wondering' and 'wandering'.

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