Sometime ago I received a divinely-beautiful picture on social media. It was an idol of 'Lord-Shiva' in the backdrop of Sun.
Deity is in the eyes of the beholder !!

I also 'read' the picture as...
Isn't it possible to embrace even Sun if One-believes-in-Self as an infinitely decimated part of the super power though! Of course, at the same time one must not abuse the beauty of the Nature-God!
Else as another picture depicts, 'God-Shiva', The-Supreme Generator-Operator of the Universe-and-the-Nature won't take much time to switch-her-role to be 'Deity-Shankar': The-Supreme-Destructor !
2/ G-O-D, The Generator-Operator-Destructor, The Universal-Energy is omni-present and holistically well-balanced in and around the beauty of The-Nature itself and its creations rather than being concentrated in an idol.
3/ An idol itself will be helpless if we contribute in imbalancing the Nature by involving in unnatural and wasteful human activities.
4/ We ourselves must take care of both The-Self as well as the beauty of The-Nature-God rather than being under the influence of blind-faith that S/He is there to cure us of any of our own mis-doings.