Ting tong!
Security guard on the door: "The sweeper hasn't come today. Take your garbage cans inside."
Ting tong! again after an hour.
This time the security guard comes with a casual (temporary) sweeper. I fetched the garbage cans to get them emptied.
(After a while) Ting tong! again the third time.
I rush out from the wash room.
This time the regular sweeper arrives and goes back empty handed.
I call back the security guard to check what's happening.
Why the bell is rung so many times in the morning rush hours?
The guard responds there was a communication gap.
The regular sweeper reported late on duty.
Can you see how the waste gets generated vis-a-vis the normal routine that should have happened in a flow without interruptions to anyone! You may compute the waste by measuring the impact of each activity that had to be performed extra (non value activity NVA that doesn't add value to the basic need) over and above the desired one.
The desired was also that the regular sweeper should've informed about autonomous change in his schedule.
Now you know why thefts happen in absence of the guard who's supposed to be on his regular duty rather than engaging himself in a NVA prompted by NVA of someone else. The theft and related activities also are a waste!
The sweeper changing his own schedule without prior intimation is not observing a SOP. You getting delayed to work with corresponding tension due to extra activities (NVA) such as opening the door three times is a waste too!
Well such things can happen!
But important is - not to repeat them by making relevant improvements (or Kaizens as they say) and - even to prevent such problems in similar situations at other places.
Can you think of some to suit your own circumstances so that not the guard, nor you get interrupted even if the sweeper doesn't report on duty for one day!
Can you also spot some waste to do Kaizens upon in your daily work (Nichijo-Kanri) that you inadvertently or unknowingly consider (rather take for granted) as a routine!
Also read a few relevant blogposts hereunder: Please do consider leaving a value-adding comment or consider sharing this post.
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